Is Work-Life Balance of Policewomen influenced by Work Engagement and Psychological Well-Being?
work-life balance, work engagement, psychological well-beingAbstract
As time goes by, women have the same opportunities to have careers as men and develop their potential and actualize themselves on a par with men. One of the professions that women undertake in their careers is as a female police officer. Policewomen have heavy responsibilities and burdens because they work in the public sector, especially those who have families because they have to take care of the household or domestic duties simultaneously. This research aims to prove that there is a joint relationship between work engagement and psychological well-being variables in predicting work-life balance. The subjects in this research were 130 policewomen in the East Java Regional Police work environment. This research design is quantitative with a correlational approach. The measuring scale in this study consists of 4 alternative answers. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that there is a joint relationship between work engagement and psychological well-being and work-life balance. F value = 127.151 (p<0.05), contribution effective of work engagement is 38.5% while the effective contribution of the psychological well-being variable is 28.2%. So, it is known that the total effective contribution that influences work life balance is 66.7%. Researcher hoped these results can be used a reference for improving work life balance related to work engagement and psychological well-being.
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