Development of Instructional Media Jelas for Elementary School Students in Understanding Asean
Development, media, Jelas, ASEAN, social scienceAbstract
This study aims to identify the needs for application media in teaching ASEAN-related material to sixth-grade elementary school students and to evaluate the effectiveness of the ASEAN Roaming application. The research follows a development methodology (research & development) as outlined by Sugiyono (2013: 407). Data analysis methods include the Gain test and T-Test. N-Gain analysis determines the difference between post-test and pre-test scores, while the T-Test evaluates the effectiveness of the JELAS media on cognitive learning outcomes. The ASEAN Roaming application, developed using the Unity game engine, aligns with core and basic competencies of the 2013 curriculum. The application features materials, games, songs, and evaluation problems. After validation, the application received a score of 86.53%, categorizing it as valid. Implementing the ASEAN Roaming application in the experimental class resulted in an N-Gain score of 0.4, classified as medium. Effectiveness was assessed by comparing cognitive test results between control and experimental classes, yielding a t-value of 4.84. The findings suggest that the ASEAN Roaming application is effective for social studies learning in sixth grade and encourages teachers to incorporate creative methods in their teaching.
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