The Effectiveness of Implementing STEAM Method With Loose Parts Media Learning in Kindergarten at Pamotan District
STEAM, loose parts, collaborative learningAbstract
The aim of this research is to describe the planning, implementation and learning outcomes of children from the application of the STEAM method with loose parts media in learning in Kindergartens in Pamotan District, Rembang Regency. This type of research method is an applied research method with a mix-method type which has an exploratory design variant. The data collection techniques used are interviews, questionnaires and observation. The analysis used in this research is qualitative and quantitative analysis. The data sources in this research are teachers, parents and group B students in Kindergartens in Pamotan District, Rembang Regency. The research results show that the effectiveness of the STEAM learning model with loose part media can be used to increase effectiveness from an early age. This is based on test results that children who are given learning using the STEAM method development with loose part media have better creative abilities compared to children who are given conventional learning. This shows that learning using the development of the STEAM method with loose parts media for effectiveness in Pamotan sub-district kindergartens is more effective than conventional learning.
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