6C Competency Level in TnL at IPGKPT


  • Mahamsiatus Kamaruddin Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Pendidikan Teknik, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • Manisah Mohd Shah Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Pendidikan Teknik, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia




KPPB, 6C competency, digital innovation


This research is based upon a pilot study on the evaluation of the 6C competency development dimensions on the Pedagogical Capacity of Meaningful Learning (KPPB).  This approach was applied in the teaching and learning (TnL) on student teachers (majoring in Design and Technology (RBT), Mathematics (MT) and Science (SN) who took xxxx3152-'Digital Innovation in Teaching and Learning' course at the Teacher Education Institute of the Technical Education Campus (IPGKPT). Competency 6C is a set of skills that every student teacher needs to master to lecturers know the impact of TnL at the end of the subject, regarding the dimension of character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. critical thinking dimension in study. Since the Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia (IPGM) implements the KPPB in the academic program, therefore student teachers at the Institute of Teacher Education Campus (IPGK) not only have to achieve the learning outcomes of the subject, but they also must be able to master the 6C competencies. This study carried out using the quantitative approach based on the adaptation of the 6C rubric by the Malaysian Teacher Education Institute (IPGM) involving student teachers based on the alignment of the subject course outlines. The findings of the study show the reliability of the items used based on the Cronbach-alpha diagnostic test is 0.966, including the percentage value of each 6C competency level obtained based on the five levels of the progression dimension, 1. 'Limited Evidence', 2. 'Emerging', 3. 'Developing', 4. 'Accelerating' or 5. 'Proficient'. In overall, the findings indicate, there are two sub-dimensions of 6C that need to focus on, "Character - Learning how to learn" and "Creativity - Asking questions using accurate inquiry questions". The finding shows that the lecturers must focus more on the future to improve student to master their learning with applying the effective pedagogical strategies meaningful and continuously.


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How to Cite

Kamaruddin, M., & Mohd Shah, M. (2024). 6C Competency Level in TnL at IPGKPT. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.53797/ujssh.v3i1.2.2024