Google Sites-Based Educational Web Development in Ecosystem Learning Materials for Grade V Elementary Schools in Winong District, Pati Regency
Educational Web, Google Sites, EcosystemAbstract
The aim of this research is to develop educational web designs based on Google Sites in ecosystem learning materials for fifth grade elementary school students in Winong District, Pati Regency. This type of research is RnD (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model. Research on the development of the ADDIE model was carried out only up to the development stage, because the purpose of this research was only limited to developing and producing a valid google sites-based educational web to be implemented based on the validator's assessment. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation or observations, and validation questionnaires. The results of research and development of educational web based on Google Sites are that it is known that student responses to educational web based on Google Sites show that 100% of the responses agree with the very feasible category. The results of content validation obtained an average acquisition score of 98.2%, practicality validation obtained an average acquisition score of 93%, and validation of educational web media based on Google Sites obtained an average acquisition score of 85.2%. So that educational web media based on Google Sites can be used in science learning on ecosystem material for class V SD.
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