Comparison Efforts to Settlement Crime of Illegal Fishing Through Litigation and Non-Litigation in the Karimunjawa Conservation Area
Litigation, non-litigation, illegal fishingAbstract
Settlement of criminal acts can be done through litigation (court) and non-litigation (outside court). This research aims to compare the settlement of illegal fishing through litigation and non-litigation in the Karimunjawa conservation area. The method used in this research is empirical juridical, with the data source coming from primary data and supported by secondary data. Data collection was carried out using directed interviews. A literature study was also carried out, including collecting and analyzing court decisions regarding illegal fishing crimes in the Karimunjawa conservation area. The data analysis technique was carried out qualitatively in an inductive manner to answer the problems in this research. The results of research regarding the comparison of the resolution of illegal fishing crimes through litigation and non-litigation in the Karimunjawa conservation area show that the settlement process through litigation goes through various procedures that have been regulated in Law no. 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries in conjunction with Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulations instead of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law and the Criminal Procedure Code. Non-litigation efforts that have been taken against perpetrators of illegal fishing in the Karimunjawa conservation area are realized by means of restorative justice and also through making a statement letter that the perpetrator will not repeat his actions; if they are violated, they will be processed through litigation. The perpetrator must also make a mandatory report to the Karimunjawa Regional National Park Management Section Office (SPTN).
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