The Influence of Principal Management and Leadership for Teacher Performance in Elementary School
Management, leadership, teacher performance, elementary schoolAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the following aspects: (1) the influence of the principal's management on teacher performance, (2) the influence of the principal’s leadership on teacher performance, (3) the combined influence of the principals' management and leadership on teacher performance, (4) the influence of male and female principals' management on teacher performance, and (5) the influence of the leadership of male and female principals on teacher performance. The research method used was quantitative, seeking to identify causal associative relationships using two independent variables: principal management (X1) and principal leadership (X2), and one dependent variable: teacher performance (Y). The study population consisted of 268 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) teachers at elementary schools in Kalinyamatan District, Jepara Regency, with a sample of 155 teachers selected through random sampling. The analysis technique employed was multiple linear regression, which assesses the effect of more than one independent variable on a dependent variable. Data were collected via a questionnaire and analyzed using regression analysis and partial hypothesis testing (T-Test) with SPSS 26 for Windows. The study found that: (1) principal management has a significant influence on teacher performance, (2) principal leadership has a significant influence on teacher performance, and (3) the combined influence of principal management and leadership significantly affects teacher performance, as indicated by a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.192 or a coefficient of determination of 1.8%.
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