Effectiveness of Developing Contextually Based Multiplication Bottle Learning Media to Improve Student Multiplication Ability
Learning media, multiplication bottle, mathematicsAbstract
The aim of this research is the effectiveness of contextual-based multiplication bottle learning media to improve the multiplication abilities of 2nd grade elementary school students. This research uses a research and development approach. The research and development procedure refers to the Borg & Gall development model which consists of 10 steps. The subjects in this research were all 2nd grade students and teachers in 4 elementary schools, namely SDN 1 Labuhan, SDN 2 Labuhan, SDN 1 Sendangmulyo, SDN 2 Sendangmulyo, in Sluke District, Rembang Regency in the odd semester 2022/2023. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires, interviews, documentation and tests. The data validity test consists of product validity and independent validity tests. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques test prerequisites for analysis (normality and homogeneity tests) and hypothesis tests (independent sample t test and Wilcoxon test). The results of research on needs analysis through observation and interviews found that teaching media was not in accordance with students' needs, so media needed to be developed contextually based multiplication bottle learning to improve students' multiplication abilities. The choice of media and format for materials and the production of initial versions underlie the main aspects at the design stage. The learning tools referred to in this research are limited to the lesson plan (RPP), used bottles and evaluation questions. Media expert validation obtained a total score of 3.58 (very good), material expert validation obtained a score of 91.6% (valid). The teacher's response received a score of 90% (very decent) and the student's response was 88% (very decent). The results of the limited trial analysis obtained a Sig. value (2-tailed) < 0.05. Extensive trials obtained a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. The conclusion of this research shows that the development of contextually based multiplication bottle learning media is effective in improving students' multiplication abilities.
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