The Effect of Online Learning Model Reading Questioning and Answering on Motivation and Learning Outcomes
Online learning, reading ruestioning and answering (RQA), model learning, learning motivation, learning outcomesAbstract
The objectives of this study were to 1) analyze the effect of online learning on the learning motivation of Science; 2) to analyze the effect of learning the learning model of RQA on the motivation to learn science; 3) to analyze the effect of online learning on outcomes. learning science; 4) analyzing the RQA model of learning science; 5) analyzing the influence of learning motivation on science learning outcome; 6) analyzing the effects of online learning and a model of RQA on motivation through science learning outcomes as an intervening variable.
Methodology: quantitative with the type of "ex post facto", while the variables of this research are online learning, RQA model learning, learning outcomes are given symbols (Y1) and learning motivation. data mining techniques using questionnaires and documents, prerequisite test using validity test, reliability test, linearity test, homogeneity test, normality test and data analysis techniques using regression analysis. The results : 1) There is an effect of online learning on the motivation to learn Natural Science Class IV Elementary Schools, Bonang District, Demak Regency; 2) There is an effect of learning the RQA model on the motivation to learn Science Class IV Elementary Schools, Bonang District, Demak Regency; 3) There is online learning of Class IV Science learning outcomes in Elementary Schools, Bonang District, Demak Regency; 4) There is an effect of learning the RQA model on the learning outcomes of Class IV Science in Elementary Schools, Bonang District, Demak Regency; 5) There is an effect of learning motivation on science learning outcomes for Class IV Elementary Schools in Bonang District, Demak Regency; 6) There is an effect of online learning and the RQA model on science learning outcomes through motivation as an intervening variable in Class IV Elementary Schools, Bonang District, Demak Regency.
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