Big book: Learning Media Early Limitation for Early Children
Big book, learning media, early literacyAbstract
Attractive learning media is an attraction in early childhood learning. Media use can provide convenience for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers in conveying the material to children. This study aims to conduct development research in making learning media. The media developed is Big-book. Media development uses the Research and Development (R&D) model. The stages of the R&D model include potential problems, information gathering, product design, design validation, design revision, products, small-scale, large-scale trials, and mass production. Not all stages were carried out in this study, considering the limited time and cost. Hence, the research only reached the feasibility validation stage and design revision to become the final product. Experts validate the eligibility of Big-book media. Based on data analysis, the results of this study indicate that this Big-book media is quite feasible to be used as a medium. In addition, a feasibility test is also carried out with an expert judgment test consisting of media, material, and learning experts. The material and media expert assessment results obtained an average validity score of 87.71% (category "very good"). Finally, test the effectiveness with a homogeneity test, normality, and t-test. In the homogeneity test, it is known that the significance value of student learning outcomes is 0.151 > value = 0.05, then H0 is accepted. The normality test obtained a significance value for results more than 0.05, so it was typically distributed.
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