Development of Educational Game-Based Social Science Pocketbook for Elementary School V Class Students
Development, educational game, pocket book, social scienceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to design the development of a social studies pocket book based on educational games and to analyze the feasibility of a pocket book based on educational games on the theme of events in life to improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade elementary school students. The pocketbook is a small book containing information that can be stored in a pocket so that it is easy to carry everywhere. The pocket book developed in this study is an educational game because it is hoped that students will be happier and more comfortable learning with the game. Playing is one of the activities children like in everyday life, so it can be used as a learning method at school. Research and Development (R&D) research uses the Borg and Gall method. It is collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The subjects of this study were the fifth-grade students of Public Elementary School No. 1 Sari Gajah, Demak, with a total of 30 students as the experimental class and Public Elementary School No. 2 Sari Gajah, Demak, with a total of 25 students as the control class. The assessment of the development results is carried out by validators of material experts and media experts. The feasibility test results of the social media pocketbook based on educational games obtained a percentage of assessment by media experts of 74% (valid) and material experts of 93% (very valid). From the acquisition of the percentage of material and media experts, an average score of 83.5% was included in the valid/feasible criteria. So the social media pocket book based on educational games is worthy of being used as a social media learning medium for class V Elementary School material for the proclamation of Indonesian independence.
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