Development of Local Culture Teaching Materials for Early Children Through The Entrepreneurial Program for Kids Special Foods in Gresik
Teaching materials, local culture, Entrepreneurial Kids, Typical FoodsAbstract
The purpose of this research is 1) to describe the results of the development of electronic pocketbook media based on mind mapping of geometry material, 2) to describe the eligibility level of mind mapping based – electronic pocketbook media on geometry material, 3) to describe the effectiveness of mind mapping based electronic pocketbook media geometry material on student learning outcomes. The design of this research is Research and Development (R and D) or development research with research stages 1) Preliminary Study; 2) Planning; 3) Initial Product Format Development; 4) Initial Trials; 5) Product Revision; 6) Field trials; 7) Product Revision; 8) Field trials; 9) Final Product Revision; and 10) Product Dissemination and Implementation. The study was conducted with 35 students from each class of fifth-grade students at Serangan 2 Elementary School as the experimental class and of fifth-grade students at Jatirogo Elementary School as the control class. The instruments used to collect data are interviews, questionnaires, learning achievement tests, and documentation. Testing the learning outcomes test instrument includes the validity of the question items, reliability, difficulty level test, and differential power test. Research result shows that (1) The development of a mind mapping-based electronic pocketbook media on geometry materials has gone through the planning, process, evaluation, product validation, product revision, and trial use of the product. (2) Based on the validation from material experts and media experts, it shows that the validation results of mind mapping-based electronic pocketbooks fall into the 'worthy' category, while the percentage of teacher and student responses to product trials for the use of electronic pocketbook media for geometry materials is the same. the same obtained a positive response of 100%; it means that mind mapping-based electronic pocketbook media of geometry material is feasible to be developed in learning. (3) Based on the results of the N-Gain calculations carried out to determine the increase between the pretest and posttest scores for the experimental class, the average value of the calculation results was 74.54%; meaning that the mind mapping-based electronic pocketbook media on geometrical material is effective enough to improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade elementary school students.
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